How do you train a dog? 4 Important Tips

How do you train a dog?

Such a wide topic, how do you train a dog? Let’s dive into our most important teachings that will steer you on the right track. You are not alone! Don’t worry training a dog can be daunting, scary and stressful. However, at the same time, it can be rewarding, fun and exciting! In this article, we will cover.

  • Being patient
  • Consistency
  • Creating a system
  • Reward-based training

Two major points on how do you train a dog.

Dog training is all about consistency, repetition, and clear communication. This is the recipe for great obedience and behaviour. If I was to narrow it down to just two points, the two major things a lot of people get wrong in their dog training journey would be…

One: being patient.

It is important to remember that every dog learns and picks up behaviours at a different rate.  Some may learn in one session, some may take a month. If your dog’s behaviour has been going on for a while, this will take longer to fix. If the behaviour is hereditary, this will take a long time to fix. If it is a behaviour stemming from anxiety, this is going to take a little longer to fix. There are so many elements to a dog’s behaviour alone, as well as you as the owner having your own set of expectations and goals for your dog, that we need to stop, take a breath, and trust the process.

Two: Consistency.

Your dog does not understand English, wow what a revaluation right? Well, you would be surprised! So if one day you use the word “come”, the next you’re saying “oi come here”, the next day you say, “Jeremy, what are you doing?”, then “get over here,” and so on, your dog is going to become very confused. You may as well be yelling “purple” at this point into the ibis. Another aspect of consistency to be aware of is your adherence to the rules as a human. You can’t let your dog on the couch in the morning then yell at them for jumping up in the afternoon.

Also, you can’t let them bark all day because your management system isn’t set up to prevent it and then get frustrated that they continue to bark when you are home. It’s simply not consistent, nor are the expectations reasonable.

So, what are the key tips for training a dog?

Having a system to follow is a must, as it gives you steps to follow. The system is more for the human than the dog at this point. We need to develop a routine that we, as the human in charge, can follow and implement first. Training a dog is as much about training the human as it is the dog. Dogs are taking in information 24/7, so it is important you learn to be a leader whenever your dog is around through consistent interaction, consistent communication, consistent rules, and boundaries.

As you embark on your training journey, one hurdle you will come up against is the methods of training. There are so many methods and opinions; how do you know which one is right? This can be a touchy subject for some, so a good rule of thumb is to find a trainer or training system that works in real-life situations, that you understand, that you can adhere to. This is where the training is going to matter the most. There truly is no wrong or right way.

There is just one way that works for you and your dog. In saying that, if you are staying consistent for months on end but no progress is happening, perhaps it is time to try a different approach.

Reward-based training

is a great way to build a strong relationship with your dog while also building confidence and teaching the meaning of commands. However, there may come a point where this only gets you so far. This is where corrective training comes in and is often needed to take things to the next level. Corrective training is where we hold our dog accountable for commands he/she understands. You can use all the rewards in the world, but there will come a point where your dog would rather do something else than have the piece of chicken in your hand.

It is at this moment that we need a way of holding them accountable. To summarise, it is important you understand the ins and outs regardless of what training you use. If you are seeing a trainer, question them. Can they really back up with confidence and conviction what they are doing with words, not just recited sentences? Dive deep into dog training videos and look at all sides.

Don’t get sucked into thinking this is the one and only best way to train a dog. Work one-on-one with your trainer. The more you can learn and understand, the better. Dedicate yourself to the training and put your dog’s needs first; this is about them, after all. By creating a dog that is balanced, happy, controllable, and safe, we can let our dogs have more freedom and fun in the long term.

Some resources to help through “Good Dog Training”

We have launched our very own online trainer with 43 lessons for you to learn all things dog! we cover the best ways how to train your dog. It was important for us to create a simple stress free dog training tool that dog owners could access in their own time from the comfort of their homes. We also have a few spaces remaining on our dog trainers’ course starting on the 19th March. This course is designed for those of you wanting to become a dog trainer, those wanting to learn more about dog behaviour, or those wanting to upskill so they can improve their own dog at home.

Email [email protected] if you want to know more about this course.

Want to hear more from Ryan? Tune in to the Facebook live stream we go Live over on Facebook at 7.30 pm NZT on Tuesdays and Thursdays, real-time, real talk, answering questions directly from you.

If you have any questions about our dog daycare services or would like to book a place for your pet, please get in touch with us at 027 911 4115. or simply fill in an enquiry form.

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