How to Crate Train your Dog. 5 Simple tips

Five Reasons you should start crate training your dog or new puppy now!

Are you struggling with how to crate train your dog? You are not alone! Don’t worry crate training a puppy doesn’t need to be stressful. Discover the best crate training tips for your dog and learn why they’re imperative to implement in your dog’s life, even for people with no experience. I recommend you start crate training the day you bring your new dog or puppy home, however, if your 1,2,3 or more years into your dog’s journey, that does not mean you can’t start today. Take your time with it, don’t force things.

Not a reader? not a problem, you can watch our video on crate training, where Ryan goes over his 5 reasons you should crate train your dog/puppy. Still here? Great, let’s get into it!

In this article, we will cover

  • Prevent Separation Anxiety
  • How to Crate Train Your Dog at Home – Going out?
  • Toilet training
  • Going away on holiday
  • Navigate anxiety around storms, fireworks, or parties.

Prevent Separation Anxiety

First, you need to understand, the crate enables independence, almost like self-soothing in babies. So by creating space between you and your dog, and by this, I mean they are not sleeping or sitting on you, you’re not unintentionally patting or talking to them 24/7! Having your dog in a crate for periods during the day creates space and teaches your dog to relax on their own, without you there, preventing the development of separation anxiety. because let’s face it, if your dog is in your space all of the time naturally, as humans this is what we do.

How to Crate Train Your Dog at Home – Going out?

You have heard us say this before, house management is one of the keys to success with your dog and dogs training. Having a crate is a game changer to this success. Because you cannot watch your dog 24/7, this means you can not maintain consistency in what they choose to do when you are not there. Toddler drawing all over your nice new walls ring a bell? When you need to pop out to the shops and you leave your new pup who is in training and does not yet understand rules or boundaries unattended, they end up chewing your shoes…

The reality is, this is not your puppy’s fault, you’re the one that left them unattended as a teething puppy in reach of your shoes… Instead, during this moment what you should do is, pop your puppy in the crate, go out for a few hours, come home to a sleepy snoozing puppy, no drama. Sounds good right? We have an amazing puppy group training service that takes you through all of this and is there to answer any questions you may have to help your puppy get used to their new crate.

Toilet training.

The messy subject of toilet training! Well, if done correctly hopefully not too messy! Because, In line with maintaining consistency and by crating your puppy and building a routine around the crate and toilet time you can teach your puppy that you will take them to the toilet, so they do not need to just wee the second they feel the urge. It’s important that you understand the key is consistency, for the best results and to reduce mishaps, you will need to take your new puppy out every 1 to 2 hours for a wee check initially, as well as 15 to 20 minutes after food or drink.

If you feel like your puppy is displaying signs of needing the toilet such as sniffing, circling the SPCA recommends you take them out immediately. Better to be safe than sorry or in this case wet or smelly! The crate will also mean you do not end up with hidden surprises around the corner… because you have not let your puppy free roam the house unattended!

Going away on holiday.

The crate is so handy if you are going to a dog-friendly Air BnB, a batch, or a friend’s house. You can fold up your crate, bring it with you and know the second you get to where you are going, you have a space where your dog instantly feels, safe, secure, and happy to snooze. If you are planning to take your dog across the country Air New Zealand has some tips on how to ensure your pet travels safely with them.

Crating also helps to reduce stress and anxiety should you ever need to put your dog into a kennel facility. Too often we have to turn dogs away from our overnight kennel service because of the stress it causes on the poor dog, simply because they have never been confined to a kennel before. So they miss out on pack time and a fun socializing weekend because of the sleeping overnight component. By implementing this into your dog’s life, you are taking the stress of not only you, but them as well on the next holiday you go on.

Navigate anxiety around storms, fireworks, or parties.

The crate is like a den, it becomes a haven for your dog, and a place you can create quiet and calming situations that can otherwise be stressful for your dog. Simply position the crate in a quiet room, cover it with a blanket and let your dog snooze the noise that would usually create anxiety away. The crate will become a safe place and a management tool for our new puppy or our now unruly dog.

Our Brand New Online Course

If you are struggling, we also have a great online trainer that covers how to crate train your dog and more, We wanted a simple stress free dog training tool that dog owners could access in their own time from the comfort of their homes.

Want to hear more from Ryan? Tune in to the Facebook live stream we go Live over on Facebook at 7.30 pm NZT on Tuesdays and Thursdays, real-time, real talk, answering questions directly from you.

If you have any questions about our dog daycare services or would like to book a place for your pet, please get in touch with us at 027 911 4115. or simply fill in an enquiry form.

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